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Guidelines and Prevention


Virtual Competitions


Because of COVID-19, not everyone has the chance to participate in our physical builds this year despite food banks’ needs being more dire than ever. As a result, we've launched a virtual competition where instead of a physical build, teams and individuals have the option to fundraise and construct their structures virtually.


Postponing/Cancelling Events


To postpone or cancel an event, contact If your chapter already purchased a license for 2020, you’re eligible for a credit to move your event to 2021. 


Should you cancel an event, we highly encourage making a donation to your local food bank in its absence and reaching out to sponsors and participants for donations. Now more than ever, food banks are in dire need of money, time, and supplies. Demands have surged for food, supplies, and volunteers.  Grocers have seen unprecedented demand for food stuffs stressing their supply chains and reducing food that would have been donated to food banks and other charities.



Hosting Events 


Large events and mass gatherings can contribute to the spread of COVID-19. However, major fundraising events are often essential for food banks to meeting yearly goals. To keep you and your participants safe, we’ve outlined a few guidelines for limiting interactions and safely hosting a Canstruction event during this time:


  • Stay up to date on developments in your community and consult local and statewide ordinances. At this time, many states have issued stay at home and shelter-in-place orders. 

  • Any committee meetings, award ceremonies, and fundraising events should be hosted virtually. 

  • All exhibitions and judging should be done digitally. Stream builds online so users can watch and donate digitally and/or upload photos and videos of the structures online for viewing and judging after the event.

  • Instead of building together at venues, host builds in your company's office.




  • Limit groups in the build area to no more than 6-10 people at a time.

  • Minimize person-to-person contact and organize your build space to promote “social distancing” (at least 6 feet of distance between people when possible).

  • Limit the number of people handling food and timeframe the structure is assembled so food has minimal exposure.

  • Stay at home and away from others if you are feeling ill and send anyone feeling ill or displaying symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough) home. 

  • Wear gloves and a face covering in the build area using CDC recommendations. Be sure to launder reusable face coverings before each daily use.

  • Routinely clean frequently used objects and surfaces such as counters, shared pens, ladders, volunteer check-in stations, cellphones, handles on carts, food collection bins, and door knobs/handles.

  • Wash your hands and the exposed portions of your arms with soap and water for 20 seconds prior to donning gloves and touching food.

  • Wash hands immediately after removing gloves.

  • Do not re-use gloves.

  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol.




Prior to donating food, contact your food bank to learn about procedures being taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and follow the food bank’s instructions for packaging and delivering donations. Many times food banks will help in the de-construction and can sorting process and provide food collection bins/barrels, carts, forklifts, and trucks to haul the food to their facility.


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